Saturday, 14 February 2015

THANK GOD IT'S FAVOURITES: Ginvera Green Tea Whitening Marvel Gel

See what I did with the picture there? I am hilarious.

This is a bit of a weird favourite this week, because I totally adore this product, but I also don’t really use it for its intended purpose. Confused? Sorry.

I stumbled across Ginvera Green Tea Whitening Marvel Gel (what a mouthful) years and years ago, sort of wanted it, couldn’t afford it at the time, and promptly forgot about it. Then, about 18 months ago, I got a sample of it in a Glossybox and almost died of excitement.

The reason I wanted this product so much is because of its promise: Zero Blackheads in 1 Step. The impossible dream. So I tried that out, and it actually does quite a good job, but certainly not zero blackheads, and certainly not one step (when using it for that I tend to use it once, rinse it off, and then do it a second time). For the price, then (usually around £20 but currently £12.99 on Amazon!), that was a bit of a let down.

BUT. This is an exfoliating gel, in practice, and it’s the exfoliating gel of my wildest dreams. The consistency is also very weird – it’s a wet sort of gel, a bit clammy and gross when you first touch it. Then, it sort of feels like the gel separates up into little bits as you massage it in. This is actually all your dead skin coming off. Grim, yes, but so, so effective, and also a little disgustingly satisfying.

The reason I love this product is because it’s so gentle that even when my (incredibly sensitive and mad) skin is flaring up, it means I can still manually exfoliate, without the harshness of a scrub or a flannel. It just works so incredibly well, and you only need a tiny bit of the product (I’ve had this 60ml tube for ages). This makes the price much less of a blow – especially with that incredible Amazon deal, which I just came across while writing this post and am CRAZY excited about.

The only thing I don’t like about this gel is the smell – it smells like old green tea, which makes sense but isn’t super pleasant. It’s not awful, though, and the efficacy of the product really makes up for it. I apply it to a dry face after my normal cleanser, massage it in and rinse it off with water. If I am going after the blackheads, as I said, I do it twice but only on the specific area of my face that I’m targeting (like with toner, because this is a gel it can be really easy to forget that you’re actually exfoliating). Afterwards, my face is baby soft and everything is gorgeous.

Have you tried this out or are you going to take advantage of the mad Amazon sale? Are there any products that you love but don’t use for their intended purpose? Let me know!

N x

(PS. Happy Valentine’s Day!)

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Nathalie,
    Great post and Marvel Gel is really amazing. It's built up a cult following.
    Just as an FYI, the eBay and Amazon products say 'Whitening' on the product and only the UK products say 'Exfoliating'. So any Marvel Gel saying 'Whitening' comes form Asia.
    On eBay and Amazon, sellers can sometimes sell at the prices they do because they buy the products at their expiring date. Every few months the manufacturer sells of 'close to expired' products at reduced rates. Normally for personal use.
    Always best to check the expiry date before ordering any Marvel Gel that says' Whitening' on the tube.
